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 1. Bob Deffinbaugh  060917 - A Call to Discipleship  ©2006 Community Bible Chapel 
 2. Brian Ibbott  Coverville-060917-Thank you for a funky time. Call me up whenever you want to make a request.  Coverville 
 3. Bruce Bumgardner  07 Call to Discipleship Lk. 5:  Life of Christ 
 4. Dr. Bob W. Smith, Pastor  A Call To Discipleship [Mar 31, 2004 WED PM]  Trinity Baptist Church, Arlington, TX 
 5. Catalina Foothills Church  060917 Wisdom is the Principal Thing  Mark Roessler 
 6. Teaching by Chris Simpson  Discipleship   
 7. Teaching by Chris Simpson  Discipleship   
 8. Michael Fisher  Discipleship  Cornerstone Madison 
 9. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 1  Discipleship 
 10. President James E. Faust  Discipleship  Oct 2006 General Conference: Saturday Morning Session 
 11. David Luke  Discipleship  Studies in Mark (DL) 
 12. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 3   
 13. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 7  Discipleship 
 14. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 6  Discipleship 
 15. David Luke  Discipleship  Studies in Mark (DL) 
 16. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 8  Discipleship 
 17. Fellowship Institute  FI - Discipleship - 5  Discipleship 
 18. Rev. Fergus C. Buchanan  The Way Of Discipleship   
 19. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 3b  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 20. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 12b  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 21. Christopher Patton  Authentic Discipleship   
 22. Brenda Turner  Deadly Discipleship  Deadly Discipleship 
 23. David Eells  Calling to Discipleship PT1  www.americaslastdays.com 
 24. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 7b  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 25. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 8b  Lee's Summit Baptist Templ 
 26. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 3a  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 27. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 3a  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 28. Fred Allen  Discipleship 6 - Lesson 11  Lee's Summit Baptist Temple 
 29. Rev. Fergus C Buchanan  The Nature of Discipleship   
 30. Paul Stanley  Discipleship In The 90's - Part 2  Discipleship In The 90's 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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